About SubScribe

Blogging is fun. But sometimes it's not enough. There isn't enough flexibility in the format to introduce sidebars and panes as you can in a newspaper - and when some of the posts are as long as a double-page broadsheet spread, they need a bit of breaking up.
With no sub to rein in GameOldGirl, and no enthusiasm for moderation (see photograph), the obvious option of cutting the words was discarded.
And so this website is taking its first faltering steps. The idea is not simply to air GoG's opinions, but to point up material in print and on the web that may be of interest to journalists and their baffled friends and family. Please do join in the debate, post ideas, email, tweet or whatever.
Not everything works just yet, and the site hasn't been formally 'launched', but please have a look around, and In the meantime, all the SubScribe posts can still be found on the blogsite here.
Our industry is being tossed around in turbulent waters. Let's see if we can have some fun while we weather the rapids. Welcome aboard.
With no sub to rein in GameOldGirl, and no enthusiasm for moderation (see photograph), the obvious option of cutting the words was discarded.
And so this website is taking its first faltering steps. The idea is not simply to air GoG's opinions, but to point up material in print and on the web that may be of interest to journalists and their baffled friends and family. Please do join in the debate, post ideas, email, tweet or whatever.
Not everything works just yet, and the site hasn't been formally 'launched', but please have a look around, and In the meantime, all the SubScribe posts can still be found on the blogsite here.
Our industry is being tossed around in turbulent waters. Let's see if we can have some fun while we weather the rapids. Welcome aboard.