The commentators 15-08-14...on A levels...The point of exam results, rather than to be a rough indicator of a young person’s academic development, has become to act as the means by which we judge teachers and schools. Those in power are sending the message to young people that their results are not their own responsibility.
- Chris Sloggett, The Independent We cannot examine the question of gender imbalance in maths and science with any real rigour until the playing field is level. And there is a wealth of evidence that at every level, from infancy to adulthood, the odds are tipped against female success in mathematics and science.
- Hannah Devlin, The Times The near-hysterical drumbeat from the Left that this year’s results would plummet simply hasn’t been borne out. In truth, it’s not surprising that A-level results have barely changed because the reforms haven’t really kicked in yet. The only difference is that this year’s students had fewer opportunities to retake their exams.
- Toby Young, Daily Mail ...and IraqBarack Obama’s idea of a self-regulating balance of power in the Middle East has dissolved in an acid cocktail of state failure, sectarian savagery and a jihadist rampage so confident that almost every armed force in the Levant is melting before its onslaught.
- David Gardner, FT What is happening in the Middle East, like it or not, is the wholesale rewriting of the Sykes-Picot borders of 1916, in favour of an Arab world whose shapes will be arbitrated more by religious dividing lines than the old imperial conveniences of 100 years ago. For as long as western policymakers deny, even tacitly, that this is the most likely outcome of present events, so they will fail to find solutions to the Middle Eastern conundrums that confront us.
- Paddy Ashdown, The Guardian There can’t be many people in the Middle East who haven’t been bombed by America for using the weapons given to them by America.
- Mark Steel, The Independent
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