The European elections auditHow the nationals covered the European and local campaigns from May 12-26
Daily Mirror: front pagesThe Mirror ran no campaign stories on the front, limiting outside coverage to three puffs - one relating to a Ukip candidate's arrest and the other two leading to the results of the two polls. Inside pagesAs might be expected, the Mirror gave more emphasis to Labour than the other papers. Its interviews with Ed Balls and Yvette Cooper both at least embraced the elections rather than looking full on at next year's big event. The feature on Tony Benn's granddaughter Emily becoming the latest of the dynasty to enter politics - she stood in the local elections - was a nice touch. There were other references, too, to the locals as well as Europe, and at least an attempt was made to address some policy issues.
Ukip nevertheless dominated as it did elsewhere, and the Greens were again nowhere. The opinion pagesKevin Maguiire commented on the elections not only in his weekly Monday column, but also alongside various news stories. Paul Routledge announced that he was unashamedly calling on readers to vote for "my party" - Labour - saying that what happened this time round would influence the result of the general election next year. The paper ran half a dozen leaders and there was a strong thread across the comment pages urging people to use their vote.
The wordle**based on headline words
The European elections audit
How the Press covered the campaign and the aftermath Plus the papers' detailed breakdown The Telegraph The Guardian The Independent The Times Daily Mail Daily Express The Sun The last wordle In the frenzy created by swivel-eyed loons who shun Brussels sprouts as a federalist plot to enslave Britons, we're ignoring local democracy...
From education to social services, potholes to parking, a council's decisions have a big impact on your life. Who runs the council is far more important to most of us than which party sends the mot MEPs to Brussels Kevin Maguire, May 12 These polls won't determine who rules after May 2015, but they'll certainly influence what comes next. And the top priority has to be the eviction of David Cameron from 10 Downing Street ...Voting Ukip next Thursday will not achieve that objective. A win for Grinning Nigel simply consolidates the grip of the nasties. Ukip is just another Tory party, only nastier than its sire.
Having one rightwing outfit in power is bad enough. Two would be beyond endurance. - Paul Routledge May 16 The longer this election campaign has gone on, the more we've learned about an unpleasant party that has in its ranks a disturbing number of incompetents, bigots and racists.
Ukip's outsider pitch is dishonest when establishment figure Farage has ridden first class on the Brussels gravy train for 15 years. And the party is conning voters by claiming it is in touch with ordinary families when its policies include stripping workers of job rights and destroying the NHS - Leading article May 21 |
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